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Monday, January 27, 2014

Bahagiamu Deritaku Juara AJL28 - Tahniah Hafiz!

Hafiz - Bahagiamu Deritaku

Pelbagai spekulasi awal yang diperkatakan dikalangan peminat-peminat dan juga pemain industri seni tanah air. Apetah lagi twit twit #AJL28 malam tadi begitu ramai pengkritik-pengkritik umum menyuarakan pendapat mereka.

Awal-awal lagi saya sudah jangkakan kemenangan artis kecil yg comel ini. Kagum dengan cara pembukaan lagu. Suara yang mantap dan berisi emosi yang dengan sengaja telah membuat kejantanan ku jatuh di lap dgn tisu.

Tahniah Hafiz Suip dengan kemenangan membawa 2 trofi AJL28.

Johan Juara Lagu 2013/2014
Johan Ringtone Popular Celcom (yeke celcom??) huhu

Ini adalah keputusan lain AJL28:-
1. Johan- Hafiz (Bahagiamu Deritaku)
2. Naib Juara – Hanya Aku (Hyper Act)
3. Tempat Ketiga - Kalau Aku Kaya (Awi Rafael & Altimet)
4. Vokal Terbaik – Jacyln Victor (Ikut Rentakku)

Kesian kat Stacy Angie, dah 5 kali dia masuk AJL tapi tak berkesempatan lagi memenanginya. Sabar Stacy, silalah amik kelas vokal seperti adik Hafiz yang comel nih.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Recipe Moist Cake / Sponge Cake


(from my own kitchen experiment - no guarantee/warranty!)
- 2 medium eggs
- 50g sifted cake flour + 1 Tbsp (because I noticed the mixture was a little wet)
- 50g castor sugar
- 1 tsp condensed milk
- 25g fresh milk
- 45g melted butter (unsalted)

1. Melt butter in milk, using microwave. Stir it. Leave aside to cool.

2. Put eggs, sugar and condensed milk into a mixing bowl. Beat everything on high until stiff and creamy (aka “ribbon stage”).

3. Fold in 1/2 of the flour, followed by melted butter/fresh milk, and finish adding the other 1/2 of the flour. Do not overfold.

4. Pour into a well greased or lined baking pan and bake at 170 degree celsius for about 30 mins or until a test skewer comes out clean.

5. When done, remove the cake and leave it on wire rack to cool.

Notes ;
- I used the smallest baking tin that I had, and it was a loaf pan, measuring approximately 16cm x 7cm x 6cm. It was just the right size.

- I covered the cake batter with a sheet of aluminium foil and only removed it after 30 mins to brown the top. It was a very small cake, so I was careful not to let the top burn.

- The key lies in the beating of the eggs, so make sure you really do get that pale yellow creaminess before you start adding the rest of the ingredients.

- We would have finished up the entire cake for tea if not for the fact that I deliberately saved a slice overnight to see if it retained it softness. It did.

Resepi Aiskrim Pelangi

Pasni buat sndri je xyah ssh2 nk bli.. ^_~

A) 1/2 tin susu pekat
B) 3 cwn susu segar (sy pakai susu HL)
C) 2 sudu kecil ovellate
D) 2 sudu kecil vanilla (essen vanilla)
E) Sedikit pewarna biru, merah, hijau n kuning (leh tuka kaler ikut suka korg)

1) Bahan a,b,c,d blend or mixer 20 minit. Pastikan adunan menjadi kembang dan gebu..
2) Asingkan ke dalam 4 bekas dan masukkan pewarna..
3) Tuang ke dalam bekas aiskrim selapis demi selapis hingga habis..
4) Simpan dalam peti sejuk beku.... Dah koreh boleh la sosah sampai abih eskem tu..

P/s: Untuk resepi di atas saya guna mixer.. Guna blender xmuat...

Sunday, January 19, 2014

AURAMEN TURBO See the different within 7 Days!!!


AURAMEN TURBO COLLAGEN merupakan minuman kolagen pertama khusus untuk kaum Adam yang diformulasikan menggunakan teknologi dari Korea. Ia menggabungkan bahan seperti kolagen, whey protein, tribulus, campuran beri, saw palmetto, vitamin, stem sel dan sebagainya untuk memantapkan kesihatan dalaman dan menambahkan keyakinan dalam penampilan seorang lelaki sejati. Rasai kesan nya seawal 7 hari !!

Penerangan lanjut tentang Auramen Turbo Collagen:
Auramen memberi lebih tenaga kepada mereka yang selalu letih atu penat,Auramen juga membantu kpoada mereka yang mmpunyai masalah kulit sepoerti jerawat,kulit kusam,bekas prut,warna kulit tak sekata atau mereka yang inginkan kulit cerah dan gebu.Auramen ada jawapannya.Kepada kum lelaki yang selalu pergi ke gym auramen juga dapa membantu membentuk otot-otot badan dengan cepat tetapi kena sentiasa workout,anda akan rasaiu sendiri.

Kelebihan AuraMen Turbo Collagen:
~ Membantu mencerah,membersih dan mengatasi masalah kulit seperti jerawat,kulit kusam dan kulit kering.
~ Membekalkn tenaga dan stamina lelaki dengan kesn luarbiasa.
~ Membantu memejalkan otot secara semuajadi.
~ Membuang angin,toksin dan lemak dari dalam badan.
~ Membantu masalah sakit sendi dan lenguh-lenguh badan
~ Membantu mengatasi masalah disfungsi seks.
~ Membantu menambahkan kadar hormone testosterone
~ Meningkatkan tenaga dan kesihatan tubuh.
~ Membantu melancarkan peredaran darah.
~ Mengatasi masalah prostate dan saluran kencing.
~ Membantu meningkatkan keupayaan lelaki sejati secara semulajadi.
~ Membantu mnurunkan berat badan dan mengempiskan perut.

Siapa yang harus mencuba AuraMen Turbo Collagen:
~ Lelaki yang ada masalah jerawat.
~ Lelaki yang ingin menjaga penampilan diri.
~ Lelaki yang inginkan kulit lebih cerah.
~ Lelaki yang inginkan kecergasan.
~ Lelaki yang setiap kali bangun tidur selalu sakit sendi.
~ Lelaki yang selalu cepat letih.
~ Lelaki yang inginkan bentuk badan yang tegap.

Kandungan AuraMen Turbo Collagen:
~ Collagen Peptida
~ Whey Protien
~ Butea Superba.
~ Tribulus Guarana
~ Saw Palmetto Extract.
~ Green Tea.
~ Hoodia.

Cara Penggunaan AuraMen Turbo Collagen:
Bancuhkan 2 sudu AuraMen bersama 150ml air sejuk atau iur masak kemudian goncangkan dan sedia untuk diminum. 2 kali sehari sebelum sarapan pagi dan sebelum tidur malam.Amalkan pemakanan sihat,senaman workout dan minum air 8 gelas sehari


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Friday, January 17, 2014


  • Chapter one.
  • Arus sungai terlalu deras sehingga menghasilkan buih putih. Membuak-buak bila menghempas batu-batuan di haluannya. Di hujung sana kelihatan, sebelah tangan kecil terkapai-kapai. Kepala budak itu timbul tenggelam. Cuba untuk mencuri nafas mana berkesempatan.
    Tenggelam lagi. Labu sayongnya telah jauh di hadapan. Deruan arus sungai di selang teriakan unggas seperti mengiringi suasana cemas ini. Deras dan bingit.
    Ammar cuba untuk timbul ke permukaan. Kakinya ditolak-tolak. Lengannya dilibas sana sini. Tak keruan. Semburan nafasnya. Terlalu perit. Arus sungai itu seperti mempermainkan tubuh kecil Ammar. Berpusing-pusing dan dibawa pergi. Ammar cuba menggapai batuan besar untuk berpaut. Lumut. Licin. Ammar hampir lemas. Tenggelam lagi. Ammar hanyut semakin jauh.
    Batang pokok besar itu. Akarnya jinjang menjalar hampir ke tengah sungai. Ammar menolak-nolak kakinya. Berenang. Tangannya dikuak ke arah akar kayu itu. Cuba untuk berpaut namun dia sudah lembik. Jemarinya kebas dek kedinginan air sungai, apatah lagi hari baru sahaja hujan. Ammar tewas dengan arus yang ganas itu. Terlepas! Matanya dikatup seperti mengalah. Merah dan pedih. Tubuhnya tidak lagi mampu melawan arus. Tangannya dibiarkan longlai. Nafas.
    Tiba-tiba tangannya disambar sesuatu. Lembut tapi ampuh. Ammar membuka mata dan terlihat kain batik yang melandut dari akar kayu pokok yang sama. Seperti cuba untuk menyelamatkannya. Ammar menggengam kain batik itu. Melilit lengannya. Dengan baki sisa kudrat kecilnya, Ammar cuba untuk naik ke daratan.
    Pada masa yang sama, kedengaran suara bayi merengek. Nyaring dan syahdu. Ammar yang masih lagi mengejar nafasnya terkejut. Di sebalik kain batik itu tadi, ada bayi kecil menangis. Jari-jari bayi itu rapat dibibirnya mungkin kerna terlalu sejuk. Berbalut batik. Basah.

Please comment below if you like it and want to read more. Thanks

***sedikit recap untuk chapter seterusnya***

"Ammar jumpa kat sungai, jadi adik ni Ammar punya la kan", galak dia meyakinkan neneknya dengan senyuman yg berseri-seri.

Nenek pun.....


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Mens Of 2013 : Hunks Shirtless

Really the only year-end list you need.

1. When Nick Jonas took this shirtless selfie and officially became a full-grown babe.

When Nick Jonas took this shirtless selfie and officially became a full-grown babe.

2. And then when he showed us his ripply muscles in motion.

The 44 Man-Candiest Moments Of 2013

3. When Zac Efron flipped these burgers in frat hunk mode.

The 44 Man-Candiest Moments Of 2013

4. And when he showed off his beautifully hairy chest.

5. And his beautifully shiny bottom while mounting a toilet.

The 44 Man-Candiest Moments Of 2013

6. Literally any moment that Tom Daley was in a speedo or underwear.

Literally any moment that Tom Daley was in a speedo or underwear.

(Which is basically every moment.)

(Which is basically every moment.)

7. Every single selfie taken by Usher, the hottest 35-year-old of all time.

8. But especially every image that involves his flexing abs.

9. This Colton Haynes nip slip.

This Colton Haynes nip slip.

10. And pretty much anytime Colton Haynes did anything at all.

11. When Cristiano Ronaldo erected a 52-foot photo of himself in his underwear for some reason.

When Cristiano Ronaldo erected a 52-foot photo of himself in his underwear for some reason.
David Ramos / Getty Images for CR7

12. When the Warwick Rowers got naked once again and held up this bucket with the sheer power of hotness.

When the Warwick Rowers got naked once again and held up this bucket with the sheer power of hotness.

13. But especially when they squirted one another in the face.

But especially when they squirted one another in the face.

14. Anytime Tinie Tempah brought out this gorgeous smile.

The 44 Man-Candiest Moments Of 2013

15. When this hot guy was UNJUSTLY removed from a Florida stadium for being a certified hunk.

16. When Australia officially gave us the hottestBachelor contestant of all time.

17. When Robbie Rogers and his beautiful face and arms and entire existence where on the cover of OUT Magazine.

When Robbie Rogers and his beautiful face and arms and entire existence where on the cover of OUT Magazine .
Photography by Matthias Vriens-McGrath for OUT Magazine

18. And pretty much anytime Robbie uploaded an adorable and also sexy Instagram picture.

And pretty much anytime Robbie uploaded an adorable and also sexy Instagram picture.

19. When Henry Cavill became an actual man of steel in the workout video to end all workout videos.

The 44 Man-Candiest Moments Of 2013

20. When singer Steve Grand blessed the world with his voice and also abs.

21. When Matthew Terry officially became the hottest Superbowl ad underwear model ever.

22. When Jamie Dornan and his abs were cast in 50 Shades Of Grey.

Calvin Klein

23. When Charlie Hunnam brought all this to Pacific Rim.

When Charlie Hunnam brought all this to Pacific Rim .

24. Literally any time David Beckham was in his underwear.

Literally any time David Beckham was in his underwear.

25. But especially when he’s getting out of a pool and pulling it out of his buttcrack.

26. Whenever Kellan Lutz got out of bed looking like this.

The 44 Man-Candiest Moments Of 2013

27. When Josh Hutcherson and his arms and jawline were on the cover of OUT Magazine.

When Josh Hutcherson and his arms and jawline were on the cover of OUT Magazine .
Photography by Nino Muñoz / Out Magazine

28. Idris Elba’s entire existence.

The 44 Man-Candiest Moments Of 2013

29. When the world officially met Zesty Man in all of his gorgeous glory.

30. And when the world discovered he was so much more than salad dressing.

And when the world discovered he was so much more than salad dressing.

31. Pretty much every moment on True Blood but especially Joe Manganiello’s butt.

The 44 Man-Candiest Moments Of 2013

32. And that time Alexander Skarsgård got completely naked.

The 44 Man-Candiest Moments Of 2013

33. When the Old Spice guy went to Australia and picked up this snake in nothing but his Old Spice towel for some reason.

When the Old Spice guy went to Australia and picked up this snake in nothing but his Old Spice towel for some reason.
Ryan Pierse / Getty Images

34. Basically any moment Matt Bomer was nearly naked.

35. When Tom Welling graced the world with his certified silver foxiness.

When Tom Welling graced the world with his certified silver foxiness.
Pascal Le Segretain / Getty Images

36. When Chris Pratt turned into a muscle hunk.

37. When hairless Darren Criss Tarzan’d on Glee.

38. And then when slightly less hairless Darren Criss and his beautiful eyebrows woke up in bed.

39. Basically anytime Michael B. Jordan and his arms did anything.

Basically anytime Michael B. Jordan and his arms did anything.
Neilson Barnard / Getty Images

40. But especially anytime he licked his gorgeous lips.

41. When Harry Styles graced us with this sweaty, tattooed workout video.

42. When Kit Harrington and his one billion abs graced this poster for Pompeii.

When Kit Harrington and his one billion abs graced this poster for Pompeii .
George Kraychyk /

43. Literally anything that Chris Hemsworth did.

Paramount Pictures

44. And when the world discovered the glorious beauty that is Clint Eastwood’s son, Scott.

And when the world discovered the glorious beauty that is Clint Eastwood's son, Scott.

God Bless 2013.