The 46-year-old actor took to his Facebook page on Tuesday, Jan. 28, to share some exciting news with his over 60 million fans, but instead of just posting a status update, he decided to share a 7:30 clip of himself dancing alone to both Beyoncé and Katy Perry...and it's even more awkward than you could imagine.
Pulled from the "Vin Book" vault, the clip begins with the Fast and Furious star dancing to the 29-year-old pop star's hit song "Dark Horse"—the same tune the raven-haired beauty performed at the Grammys. He sings along to the lyrics, placing his face all too close to the camera before he begins bobbing his head uncontrollably as the music builds.
Here is the video.
But a true connoisseur of the beauty of the human form would relish the way the Fast & Furious star slowly builds from his restrained performance of "Dark Horse" to his more expressive interpretation of "Drunk In Love," how he tenderly grabs his crotch, or artistically pantomimes riding on a surfboard when Beyonce sings "SURFBOART." This is the Great Wall of China of selfies. Astronauts can see it from space.
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